The culture of China.
This semester I learned a lot about the culture of china. All related to customs and very beautiful and interesting films of china. One of their customs are the way you eat, first of all has a schedule to wich all sit together and meals are small portions and different dishes. The basic component is rice ,this component is critical and unifying of many Chinese dishes. Also, wheat –based products include pasta and bagels to vapor. In Chinese cuisine chopsticks are used as utensils and cutlery to eat solid foods, while soups and other liquids are taken with a spoon to the bottom plane, made of ceramic .The desserts are less typical Chinese cuisine, it is not customary meals end with dessert. In religions of China every village inherited from their ancestors. The most widespread religious practice in China is ancestor worship. A cult that extends from the first manifestations of their culture, to our days. The three major religions that are used are Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism .Although, ancestor worship is often associated with Confucianism ,its origin is much older .Since ,the Chinese believed that the person was made by a body and several souls, who did not die with the body ,but after the death went to live in the spirit world. A famous and interesting Chinese movie is Raise The Red Lantern. The film is a concubine marriage Songlian one of nineteen years his father has recently died and left the family bankrupt ,marries wealthy Chen family ,becoming the fourth wife or concubine .Up on arrival at the palace for the first time ,it is received with feet massage sensual and red lanterns lit ,and also a visit from her husband. She discovers that these are not received equal treatments to others .Her husband decides daily which will spend the night .Then, lanterns are lit this house, receiving the massage on the feet ,get your menu choice at the time eating ,and receives the greatest attention and respect from the servants. The others three concubines are continually fighting for her husband’s attention and affections. The first lover ,Yuruan is almost as old as her husband .This is resigned to living his life as forgotten ,always overlooked the younger concubines .Second, this Zhuoyun teacher who is very fond of telling many lies to fourth of the third lover ,Meishan. The third lover is a former opera singer. After ,Songlian discovers that the bad is Zhuoyun, then she pretends that she is pregnant for the owner to give her all the attention while trying to get pregnant. The servant of the fourth ,Yan’er discovers that Songlianis telling a lie because his pillama has blood in his term .Then ,her husband calls the doctor. The doctor tells that she was not pregnant .The angry husband sends to cover all the lanterns with black silk .This blames his servant and reveals hidden in his room that lights red lanterns .Ya’ner is punished and refuses to humble himself and apologize for what remains on his knees in the snow all night until it collapses. Yan’an falls ill and died after being taken to hospital. Songlian finally sees the competition between the concubines as useless ,because every woman is a cloth that her husband can use and discard. On her birthday ,she gets drunk and tells the second lover had left the third with the doctor. Meishan is discovered by the servants ,who by order of the husband is taken to a quarter of the roof and hanging .Songlian saw what had happened and started yelling that they were murderers .This girl went crazy .I learned that the history of China is very beautiful and interesting.